HFTP North Texas Chapter Meeting
Thursday - May 18, 2023
All Members and Prospective Members are cordially invited to join our "VIRTUAL" meeting!
Meeting Details
Thursday - May 18, 2023
3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
Online Virtual Meeting
Please RSVP to Angie Abston before Tuesday May 16 for a link to the meeting.
USALI 12th Edition: What's on the Horizon?
First published in 1926, the primary purpose of the Uniform System of Accounts in the Lodging Industry (USALI) is to offer operating statements formatted to provide hotel owners, managers, and other interested parties with operational information pertinent to the lodging industry. The USALI is currently being revised to become the 12th edition. Thus far, a number of schedules have been updated and all the financial statements have been revised to confirm to the changes in IFRS and GAAP of the last few years. The estimated roll out plan, effective dates, and available educational resources will also be discussed.
Agnes DeFranco is a Professor and the Conrad N. Hilton Distinguished Chair of the Conrad N. Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership. Her research areas are mostly in accounting, finance, and technology. Agnes is a past global president and Paragon recipient of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) and past treasurer of International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE). In addition to her 120 plus refereed articles, Agnes also has a number of non-refereed publications and has co-authored eight textbooks.
There is NO CHARGE for this event!
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the USALI 12e: Background, Revision Process, and Timeline
2. Know the updated major changes in the Operating Statements
3. Know the updated major changes in the Financial Statement
4. Have the resources provided by HFTP to gain proficiency in this new system
CPE Information
Program Level: Basic
Pre-requisite Required: None
Advance Preparation Required: None
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit: 1.0
Recommended Field of Study: Accounting
For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at northtexashftp@Hotmail.com.
The North Texas Chapter of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBARegistry.org.